
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - 6.1_emacs_manuals_1er - emacs/babylm.:ej
There are no other files named babylm.:ej in the archive.
 W[0 +8+fq(+4)[1
fq1"l 0'
,q1:m(q1+4(]1]0))}~3(LR&)%/= =J/Waej#,yaX*y&2	}=
XG+V?et>@ FEHR@/cB)sFRAz2>BC.AK;@>IEeYBg9yv4$7x?#?"5?8G@X=d1
n{uJ9nd to TNX Mail File& Babyl Add Recipient& Babyl Append& Babyl Delete Recipient& Complete TNX Header& Expand Mailing Lists& ITS Mail Buffer& Mail Message& Process Recipient Field& Push To Buffer& Push To Edit Mail& Setup BABYLM Library& TNX Mail BufferEdit and Mail BufferMail With TemplateSet Mail Template^R Babyl Add Cc-Recipient^R Babyl Add Subject: Field^R Babyl Add To-Recipient^R Babyl Delete Recipient^R Babyl Yank~DIRECTORY~~DOC~ # Babyl C~DOC~ # Babyl M#~DOC~ & Append to TNX Mail File~DOC~ & Babyl Add Recipient~DOC~ & Babyl Append"~DOC~ & Babyl Delete Recipient~DOC~ & Complete TNX Header ~DOC~ & Expand Mailing Lists~DOC~ & ITS Mail Buffer~DOC~ & Mail Message#~DOC~ & Process Recipient Field~DOC~ & Push To Buffer~DOC~ & Push To Edit Mail ~DOC~ & Setup BABYLM Library~DOC~ & TNX Mail Buffer~DOC~ Edit and Mail Buffer~DOC~ Mail With Template~DOC~ Set Mail Template#~DOC~ ^R Babyl Add Cc-Recipient%~DOC~ ^R Babyl Add Subject: Field#~DOC~ ^R Babyl Add To-Recipient#~DOC~ ^R Babyl Delete Recipient~DOC~ ^R Babyl Yank~DOC~ ~FILENAME~~FILENAME~
 ff&2"e :i*To continue editing this message use the C command.(
    )[Abort Resumption Message'
-2"'e,0m(m.m& Push To Edit Mail)
qBabyl C Hookf"nu1 m1'w
:m(m.mEdit and Mail Buffer):i*To resume, invoke the Send Mail command again with a numeric argument[Abort Resumption Message
ff&1"n 1,:m(m.m# Babyl C)'
1,:m(m.m# Babyl M)[1
 ff&2"e :i*To continue editing this message use the C command.(
    )[Abort Resumption Message'
-2"'e,1m(m.m& Push To Edit Mail)
qCurrent Babyl Template Nameu1
q1"n 0@fo..qBabyl Template 1u1'
q1"n hk g1'
hk iTo: 
qBabyl CC Tof"nu1 icc:  g1 i
gBabyl Header/Text Separator i

qBabyl M Hookf"nu1 m1'w
:m(m.mEdit and Mail Buffer)6[Current Babyl Template Name
:i*Babyl Template [CRL Prefix
q..q[CRL List
8+2,fTemplate: uCurrent Babyl Template Name
f:m(m.m# Babyl M)}[0
 :i*Babyl Template [CRL Prefix
q..q[CRL List
ff&1"n 8+2'"# 1',fTemplate: u0
hx*m.vBabyl Template 0w

 qBabyl Edit Mail Hookf"nu2 m2'
m.m^R Babyl Yank[...Y
1,m.m^R Fill Indented Mail Region[...\
qParagraph Delimiteru2
fq2"g :i22-'"# :i2-'
q2[Paragraph Delimiter'
fsRGetty"e ft

qBabyl Header/Text Separatoru2
.(	j s
	-l )u2
q2-."l b,q2t ft..a q2,.t'
"# b,.t'
q2j f+'

qBabyl Require Subjects"n
j 0sSubjectReS 0u2
<:s; 12.,(fk)a-12."n !<!>' r @f	 l 0,1a-:"e 1u2 1;'>
q2"e 1,m(m.m& Read Line)Subject: u2
	fq2"g j iSubject: 2
z"e 0fsModifiedw 0fsXModifiedw '
1:< fsOSTeco"e m(m.m& ITS Mail Buffer)'
     "# m(m.m& TNX Mail Buffer)' >f"n @:fg oRe-edit'w
0fsModifiedw 0fsXModifiedw
f~Window 1 Buffer*Babyl*"e
1:<4@m(m.m^R One Window)>w'''
fsQPPtr(  qPre-*Mail* Buffer[..o
0f[VB 0f[VZ
.u0 fnq0j
:s"l r'"# zj' .u2
m(m.m& Bounds Of Header)u1j
-16"n .,q1x1'
"# m(m.m& Bounds Of Original Header)x1'
.f[VB fsZ-.f[VZ g1 g2
< .-z;
2 f=
     "n 4,32i '
l > '
0 f "g i
 b,.,f~Buffer Name*Mail*"n
:i*Must be in *Mail* buffer fsErr'
 1,m(m.m& Read Line)Subject: [.1
q.1"n fq.1"g
.-z(bjl .,(iSubject: .1
	      ).f w)+zj
 f~Buffer Name*Mail*"n
:i*Must be in *Mail* buffer fsErr'
z-.:\u1 fn z-1:j"e zj' 
j i

"l :i1Un-To'
"# -4"e :i1Cc'
"# :i1To''
1,m(m.m& Read Line)1: u2
q2"n fq2"g
"l q2m(m.m& Babyl Delete Recipient)'
"# q2,q1m(m.m& Babyl Add Recipient)'''
j @f
1&4:m(m.m^R Babyl Add To-Recipient)'-1:m(m.m^R Babyl Add To-Recipient){[1[2
j :s
<l 1af	 :;>
0f+fq2-70"g -@f, 	k i,
"# i, ''
"# bjl i1: 
j < :s
Cc: ;
< < :fb1;
fkc -@f	 l
.,(:fb,"e :l').k'' >
l 1af	 "l 0:l 1;'
wqPre-*Mail* Buffer"n
:i*You are already in the process of sending mailfsErr'
 q..o[Pre-*Mail* Buffer
0fo..qWindow 2 Size"e
qWindow 1 Size"N [Window 1 Size '
(fsHeight)-(fsEchoLines)-1/2-1uWindow 1 Size
1:< 4m(m.m^R Two Windows)f >w
@fn|1:<@m(m.m^R One Window)f>w|
m(m.m& Push to Buffer)*Mail*
f~ModeText"n m(m.mText Mode)'
0uBuffer Filenames
fsOSTeco"e !<! et*Mail* >'
"# etMAIL.TEMP''
m.m& Set Mode Linef[ModeMac
qEditor Name[..j :i..j..j 
:l[Previous Buffer
qBuffer Name[0
@:i*|m(m.mSelect Buffer)0|(]0)[..n
m(m.mSelect Buffer)
:D[1[2[3[4[5 g(q..o(f[BBind))
m.m& Process Recipient Field
0[Babyl Strip Local Host
qBabyl Header/Text Separatoru2
j 1f[BothCase :s
"e :i*No text, just header fsErr'

-l fsZ-.fsVZw
j < .-z;
1af	 :"l l !<!>'
:fb:"l r -@f	 k
0@fc l !<!>'
1a-15."e k !<!>'
:i*Garbage in message header fsErr
q..ou3 f[BBind q..ou2 q3[..o
fsMachine:f6,q2 mpTO
fq2"g	0l <k 0,1af	 :;>
q2[..o j
< .-z; fb@ r :fx1
0l 1a-("n
:fb "l 0l i" :l i"!''!''
0l i( :l i)'
0l iRCPT: :lr i 1
l k >
]..o g1'
fsMachine:f6,q2 mpCC
fq2"g	0l <k 0,1af	 :;>
q2[..o j
< .-z; fb@ r :fx1
0l 1a-("n
:fb "l 0l i" :l i"!''!''
0l i( :l i)'
0l iRCPT: :lr i 1 (R-OPTION CC)
l k >
]..o g1'
fsMachine:f6,q2 mpBCC
fq2"g	0l <k 0,1af	 :;>
q2[..o j
< .-z; fb@ r :fx1
0l 1a-("n
:fb "l 0l i" :l i"!''!''
0l i( :l i)'
0l iRCPT: :lr i 1 (R-OPTION BCC)
l k >
]..o g1'
q4"e :i*No Recipients fsErr'
FROM-XUNAME: fsXUnamef6 i
FROM-UNAME: fsUnamef6 i

j :s
FROM:"e 3l iAUTHOR: fsXUnamef6 i
j :s
j :s
j :s
zj iTEXT;-1

0,(fsZ)fsBoundariesw k
f[DFile etDSK:.MAIL.;MAIL >
fsMachine-(f6DM)"e etAI:'
e\ fn e^
@ft(mail queued) 0fsEchoActivew
0f[VB 0f[VZ
g(q..o( f[BBind ))
zj -2f=
"n i
m(m.m& Complete TNX Header)
f[DFile [1[2[3[4[5 q..ou3
fsMachine:f6u2 f[BBind q..ou4 q3[..o
m.m& Process Recipient Field
0[Babyl Strip Local Host
[8[9 q4[..o m(m.m& Expand Mailing Lists) u9 ]..o
   fq9"G f[BBind g9 j
< .-z;w :x8 etDSK:FOO.TXT et8
q3[..o 0f[VZ m(m.m& Append to TNX Mail File)
	   f]VZ ]..o l >
f]BBind '
   ]9 ]8 '

 j <:s
Fcc; @f	 l 1a-:"e :x2 l-k
etDSK:FOO.TXT fsHSnamefsDSnamew et2
0f[VZ m(m.m& Append to TNX Mail File) f]VZ

q4u..o j
etPS: :i5EMACS:
fsOSTeco-2"e etDSK: :i5DSK:<EMACS>'
etDSK: fsHSnamefsDSnamew
< .-z; :x2 q3u..o
et[--UNSENT-MAIL--].2 eihpef
@ft(Mail to 2 queued)

q4u..o 2l
    etDSK: fsHSnamefsDSnamew
 :f:fb@$  :l  2l 
j :i2
<.-z; :f:fb@ d :f~2"e :k'"# :fx2 0l 14.i g2 i
' l k>
j   < :s
; :x2 q3u..o
et[--DECNET-MAIL--].2 eihpef
@ft(Mail to 2 queued)

q4u..o >
 :f:fb@$  :l  2l 
j :i2
<.-z; :f:fb@ d :f~2"e :k'"# :fx2 0l 14.i g2 i
'   l k>
etDSK: fsHSnamefsDSnamew
    et[--NETWORK-MAIL--]..0 eihpef
@ft(mail queued)
 qBabyl Header/Text Separatoru1
j :s
"e :i*No text, just header fsErr'
0:l 0k
j 5f~Date:"n
.-z(-s  i )+zj
qBabyl Day of Week Flag"n
.-z( b+6j .(s,r),.fx3 2d
)+zj i (3)'
     '"# 0l fx1 bj g1'
j < :s

; -k 2r >
j :s
l iFrom: 
     2r .u1
fq3"g i at  g3'
qBabyl User Nameu3 q3fp"g
q1,.f~3"n q1j g3 :fx3 0l iSender: 3
      qBabyl Personal Nameu3
q3fp"g 0l 6c g3 i < :l i> l'
j :s
0k iSubject:'
j < :s
Cc: ;
@f 	,k i 
<:fb,; @f 	k i >
0l <:fb, , ; ,  2r>
0l 4c 0,1a-15."e
0,3af	 "l
0lk 0:l''
[0[1[2[3[4[5[6[7[8[9 [..o
qBabyl ..D[..d
@fn|.-z(j 0,1a-15."e 2d')+z:j|
j i

f[VB f[VZ

qBabyl Strip Local Host"N fsMachine:f6u7
fsOSTeco"E :i7 at 7 at MIT-7 '
"# :i7 at 7 ''
"# 0u7 '
u8 q..ou9
j <:s"e 0' @f	 l 0,1a-:@; >
c @f	 k 5-(fsHPos)f"lw0',40.i .u0
< l 0,1af	 :; 0:k >
0:l .u1
< :s; @f	 l 0,1a-:"n ! <!>'
c 0k
< :l k 0,1af	 :; >
0fx2 q1j i, g2 .u1
q0j .f[VB fsZ-q1f[VZ
@f	 ,k .-z; .u1 i 
-1u6 0u2
@f	 f"g di 'w .-z;
1au5 q5"b c :o5 r'
@flu4u3 q4j
q3,q4f~at"e oAT'
i  q9u..o ! <!>'
! <!:i*Text after > in recipientfsErr
!<! q8u..o 0k q9u..o 0u2 %6"e ! <!>' :i*Extra < in recipientfsErr
     !>! q6"e .-1u6 ! <!>' :i*Extra > in recipientfsErr
!,! r -@f k c 0;
!@! -d 0a-32"n i ' iat 1a-32"n i '
!AT! .u2
q8u..o 0f"e
q9u..o -2:@fll .u3
-@fll .-q1-1"n :i*Null recipientfsErr'
.-b,q3-b(q2j q8u..o)g9'
-@f k i@ q9u..o ! <!>
!(! fll
q8u..o -@f k
q2"e 0f"e
q9u..o .u2 -:@fll .u3
-@fll .-q1-1"n :i*Null recipientfsErr'
.-b,q3-b(q2j q8u..o)g9'
i@ g()
q9u..o .-z(q6"g q6j'"# -@f, l' i at  g())+zj
-s@ @fc :l

g(q9[..o q1+1,.x*(]..o)) 0a-,"e -d' i

q7"N .-z( -:s7"N fkd ' )+zj '
fsSHPos-70"g q1-b-4"g .(q1j i
-@f, k
1j h(20000000.,fsDatefsFDConvert ,i)\ i;000000000000

j e?"e fsDFilem(m.m& Babyl Append)"n jk'
z-.fsVZw er fsIFilefsDfilew @y
zj 0fsVZw'
b,.k k
E[1 e[e\fne^e]
er1 fsIFLengthu1 q1/5*5-5fsIFAccessw
 j @fn|b,.k| fsZ-.f[VZ @y zj f]VZ
1:<@:ei>"n 0' fsOFLength-q1"n :i*File changed size??fsErr'
 q1/5*5-5fsOFAccessw hp :ef 1
0fo..qBABYLM Loaded-11755285002"n
0m.CBabyl C Hook0 or a Teco program to run after C sets up its template
0m.CCurrent Babyl Template Name0 or name of template in use
0m.CBabyl CC To* Automatic CC field in mail if non-0
@:i*|--Text follows this line--|m.CBabyl Header/Text Separator* 1 line that separates header and text in recursive mail edit
0m.CBabyl M Hook0 or a Teco program to run after M sets up its template
0m.CCRL Prefix
0m.CCRL List
0m.CBabyl Edit Mail Hook0 or a Teco program to run before recursive edit on mail to send
0m.CBabyl Require Subjects* If non-0 Babyl will require you to have a subject in outgoing mail
0m.CPre-*Mail* Buffer
0m.CWindow 1 Size
0m.CBabyl Day of Week Flag* If non-0 day of week is added to Date field of outgoing mail
0m.CBabyl Personal Name* A full name to use with user name as in Personal Name <ME at HERE>
0m.CBabyl User Name* A name to use in From field possibly overriding username
0m.CBabyl ..D
1m.CBabyl Strip Local Host* Non-zero removes local host from reformed header
11755285002m.vBABYLM Loaded'
qBabyl ..D"e
[1[2 128*5,40.:i1
40.u2 176.-40.<%2*5:f1AA>
"*5:f1 | !'!
\*5:f1 /
(*5:f1 (
)*5:f1 )
q1uBabyl ..Dw'
w1 f[Both Case
q..o[0 f[BBindw q..o[1
f[BBindw q..o[2
 j s
 b,.k 15.i 12.i
fsMachine:f6[3 :i3@3
[9 :i9
[4[5[6 [..o
q0u..o j <.-z;w
"N fkc 0x4
q2u..o j:s
q0u..o 0l 2k .u6 q2u..o
<0,1a-40.:@; c>
1a-*"Exc .,(s

'"# @fwx5
q0u..o g5 g3 15.i12.i15.i12.i
q2u..o @fwr ' >
q0u..o q6j
'"# q0u..o 2l '' >
q0u..o j 15.i 12.i
<.-z;w .-2,(l). x4
-l .u5 -:s4"N q5j 2k
'"# q5j 2l ' >
q9 2Mail-sending part of the Babyl mail subsystem.6C# Continue editing the last message sent or aborted.
If you give a numeric argument of 2 we will use 2 windows, with the
    current message in the top and the message being sent in the
    bottom one.
Runs any Teco program in the variable Babyl C Hook after the message
    template has been set up.tS Edit and then send a message.
To continue editing a message aborted earlier, provide a numeric
    argument.XC# Edit and then send a message.
If you give a numeric argument of 2 we will try to use 2 windows, the
    mail in the bottom window, the current message in the top one.
To continue editing a message aborted earlier, use the C command.
You may set the variable Babyl M Hook to a Teco program to run after
    the header is initialized.(C Edit and send mail, with template initialization.
The message is initialized from a template, which may specify any
    header or text components.  The template is a variable, containing
    a copy of what the mail editing buffer should be initialized to.
String argument is a template name.  The template variable name is
    formed from this name -- e.g. for a template named "Foo", the
    variable is named Babyl Template Foo.  If you are using the Babyl
    V command the template name is read with completion.
If you give a numeric argument of 2, we will try to use 2 windows,
    current message in top one, message being sent in bottom one.
See the M-X Set Mail Template command for aid in creating templates.
Runs the Teco program in the variable Babyl M Hook if one.  This
    program can check the variable Current Babyl Template Name, 0 for
    normal mailing, if it wants to further process the template.C Create or reset a mail template from buffer contents.
See the M-X Mail With Template or # Babyl V command for using
String argument is a template name.
Providing a numeric argument means that you are resetting an existing
    template, and completion can be used to read the template name (if
    you call this with ^R Instant Extended Command).
The template is taken to be the entire contents of the buffer.  This
    command is generally given while in a recursive mail edit level.
S Edit some mail to send in recursive edit level.
To send the mail, exit the recursive edit level with ^R Exit.
To abort, use Abort Recursive Edit.  If you abort, you can
    continue editing the message later with the C command from Babyl
    or by giving Send Mail an argument.
The ^R Babyl Yank command will insert a copy of the current Babyl
    message if there is one.  (E.g. the one being replied to.)
Paragraph Delimiter is temporarily set so lines starting with "-"
    won't be considered part of a paragraph.  Thus the --Text...  line
    won't get in the way of a ^R Fill Paragraph.
If the variable Babyl Require Subjects is non-0, you will be asked to
    supply a subject line if you forgot to include it while editing.
The variable Babyl Edit Mail Hook may be set to a Teco program to run
    just before entering the recursive edit level.  If this variable
    is 0, we will connect C-M-Y to ^R Babyl Yank, C-M-\ to ^R Fill
    Indented Mail Region, and set the Paragraph Delimiter variable.G^R Yank message being replied to and grow reply window.
Message is indented 4 spaces, and MARK is left before, point after,
Numeric argument of 4 ():  Message is not indented.
The original header is discarded; only the reformed one is yanked.
Numeric argument of 16 (): Original header is used instead.+^R Calls & Read Line for subject field.^R Calls & Read Line for new To-recipient.
NUMARG of 4 means ^R Babyl Add Cc-Recipient.
Negative NUMARG means ^R Babyl Delete Recipient. ^R Add new name to Cc field."^R Delete To- or Cc-recipient.S NUMARGs: name,fieldName.S NUMARG is recipient name.S Set up *Mail* buffer and window for editing.
Selects back when caller returns.
Non-0 pre-comma numeric argument means use 2-window mode.
Non-0 post-comma numeric argument means reset the buffer (no buffer filenames,
    default filename of *Mail* or MAIL.TEMP, Text Mode._S Push-select buffer STRARG.
When caller returns, the original buffer will be re-selected.3S Mail message as specified by buffer contents.+S Write buffer out to unsent-mail file.4S Make sure From and Date fields are there, etc.ZS Merge, reform and parse.
NUMARG is recipient buffer, pre-comma NUMARG is default host name.
STRARG is field name, without any colon.
Bounds should be set to just the header.
All instances of the field are merged into one, with continuation
    lines.  Some cleaning is done (of whitespace, @s), host name is
    added if necessary, and field is auto-filled.
If variable Babyl Strip Local Host is non-zero, then the local host
    name is removed.
Point is left at the start of the field body.
Recipient buffer has the parse, a pair of lines per recipient:  1st
    line is mailbox name, 2nd line is full (cleaned up) recipient
    specification.  Host names are upper-case since TWENEX mailer
    requires it.0S Append buffer to default file, with header:S Append B,Z to NUMARG file. Returns non0 iff success.YS Create some variables needed.
This object file was compressed on 4:29pm  Wednesday, 26 August 1981
by HESS on TWONKY from the following source libraries:

   GEM:<NEW-EMACS>BABYLM.EMACS.75,	08/26/81 16:04:49_S Expand recipients via mailing lists.
Called in the recipient buffer, performs mailing list expansion of
recipients that are names of mailing lists.  Also returns a value
which is a string with one line for each log file to send to,
containing the name of the file.

The recipient buffer contains two lines for each rcpt, only the first
is used and has user@host.  The mailing list file has a line for each
list, of the form list=user user user *logfile user <crlf>.o# Babyl C
& Mail Message
# Babyl M
Mail With Template
Set Mail Template
Edit and Mail Buffer
^R Babyl Yank
^R Babyl Add Subject: Field
^R Babyl Add To-Recipient
^R Babyl Add Cc-Recipient
^R Babyl Delete Recipient
& Babyl Add Recipient
& Babyl Delete Recipient
& Push To Edit Mail
& Push To Buffer
& ITS Mail Buffer
& TNX Mail Buffer
& Complete TNX Header
& Process Recipient Field
& Append to TNX Mail File
& Babyl Append
& Setup BABYLM Library
& Expand Mailing Lists
\+8+fq(+4)[2 0[3
< %3,-q2f2u3 q3&1@; q3"l 0' >
f[BBind q3-1*5,q3*5g2 q:..o(0)+q2